Injury Biomechanics

We apply our knowledge in anatomy, physiology, physics and engineering to determine the cause and mechanisms of injury from an accident. A thorough review and analysis of medical records, collected evidence, and peer-reviewed biomechanical research are used to determine the mechanism of injuries and to render our opinions. 

Areas of Practice

We have served clients representing a wide range of industries including the automotive, transportation, industrial, retail, government, and construction. Our casework has included both civil litigation and criminal cases in state and federal courts.

Examples of past casework our firm has worked on :

Motor Vehicle Accidents
Pedestrian Versus Auto
Bicycle Incidents
Sports Injuries
Head and Spinal Injuries
 Golf carts and ATVs
Office Setting Injuries
Train and Light Rail Incidents
Water Parks
Obstacle Courses
Cumulative Trauma
Injury in Agricultural Sector